Unread: An RSS Reader

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Rediscover the joy of reading your favorite writers and publications with Unread.

Unread is an RSS reader with beautiful typography and a variety of color themes. Unread is available for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

A MacBook Pro, an iPhone, and an iPad running Unread.


Syncing: Unread Cloud is our free service for syncing Unread across devices. Create or log in to an Unread Cloud account via Sign in with Apple. Unread also supports syncing with Feedbin, Feedly, Fever-compatible, Inoreader, and NewsBlur accounts. Unread also has Local accounts.

Automatic Webpage Text: Unread knows which feeds contain only article summaries. If a feed contains just article summaries, Unread will retrieve and display the full text from the webpage. Unread also caches webpage text and images ahead of time for fast offline access.

Subscribe in Unread: This share extension makes it easy to subscribe to feeds offered by a website when visiting with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or any other web browser.

Save to Unread: This share extension creates an article in Unread from the webpage you are visiting with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or any other web browser.

Home Screen Widgets: An Articles widget lets you view the most recent articles. You can limit the articles to a specific folder or feed. An Unread Counts widget shows counts of unread articles by feed or folder. A single Unread Count widget shows the number of unread articles in your account, in a specific folder, or in a specific feed.

Color Themes: Unread has multiple themes designed for easy reading at night and under different lighting conditions. Select one theme for light mode and another for dark mode.

Keyboard and Trackpad Support on iPad: Unread lets you navigate and perform almost every operation on iPad with a hardware keyboard. Unread also has full support for trackpads and mice on iPad.

Search: Unread has great search capabilities. Search for an article with specific terms from any article list.

Link Article Support: For Link Articles such as those from Daring Fireball, Unread shows the full text of both the link article and the quoted article.


Most importantly, I should stress again how refreshing it feels to have such a great native experience with Unread. The app is really fast, even when it’s loaded up with hundreds of feeds.
Niléane, MacStories

It’s an RSS reader made with taste. It has great typography, themes, search, and compatibility with the usual suspects. I love having this app on my Mac.
David Sparks, MacSparky

It feels so fast. It feels so good to use. I'm really, really impressed with the Mac app.
Matt Birchler, Comfort Zone

Unread for iPhone has been one of my favourite apps for a decade now, and the Mac version lives up to it.
Harshil Shah on Mastodon

I’ve been using the Mac app for a couple of weeks, and it’s really quite nice, and I love that Brayton went the AppKit route.
Stephen Hackett, 512 Pixels

On the iPhone I use an app called Unread… I like that a lot on the phone. I have a lot of muscle memory there, and I enjoy the design of it quite a bit.
Marco Arment, Accidental Tech Podcast

Unread is focused on eliminating chrome — it is a pure reading app. It’s like reader mode all the time, and the assortment of color themes is nicely curated.
John Gruber, Daring Fireball

Unread is not only a pleasure to use from a visual perspective but also from a VoiceOver perspective.
Ernest Rudak, Just Text

Premium Features

Unread’s core functionality is free. A subscription is available that unlocks premium features on Mac, iPhone, and iPad:

Caching: Cache webpage text and images ahead of time.

Save to Unread: A share extension that creates an article in Unread from the webpage you are visiting with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or any other web browser.

Custom Icons: Unread offers 32 different app icon options, each with a different color scheme. On iPhone and iPad the custom icon appears on your home screen. On Mac the custom icon appears in the dock while Unread is running.

Article Actions: Unread’s article actions let you save articles to GoodLinks, Instapaper, Omnivore, Pinboard, Plinky, Pocket, Raindrop.io, Readwise, and Safari Reading List; share article links via email; and share article links via iMessage.

Widget Customization: Limit articles or unread article counts shown by widgets to specific feeds or folders.

Premium Support: Paying customers enjoy fast, reliable customer support.

Subscriptions to Unread’s premium features support Apple’s Family Sharing.

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